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Distance Learning Information Literacy: Undergraduate Students Experience Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Setting


  • Heriyanto Universitas Diponegoro


information literacy, distance learning, undergraduate students, informed learning, information literacy experience


This qualitative study provides an understanding about undergraduate students’ information literacy experience during their involvement with distance learning in an Indonesian university. Findings present an evidence to inform the development of the distance learning process in Indonesia and informed learning responses that enhance the learning of undergraduate students. A total of 17 undergraduate students were interviewed using a semi-structure interview technique. The data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis, revealing four themes related to students’ information literacy experience during distance learning, namely, understanding distance learning, platform literacy, learning strategy, and learning resources. Findings can inform the development of informed learning responses to enhance the transition of undergraduate students into distance learning during a pandemic situation. These results may also be of benefit to teaching faculties for enhancing teaching and learning activities and to provide support for students.


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