Preprint / Version 1

The Chemostratigraphy of Paleozoic Carbonate in Natar, South Lampung, Indonesia


Paleozoic carbonate, chemostratigraphy, paleoenvironment, South Lampung.


This work has been presented and will be published in the PROCEEDINGS of JOINT CONVENTION BANDUNG (JCB) 2021 December 1ST – 3rd 2021


Located in Natar, South Lampung, there is paleozoic
carbonate included in the Gunungkasih Formation
members. It is supposed to explain the geological history's
uniqueness to the paleoenvironment during the Paleozoic
age in western Indonesia. We concern with identifying the
lithofacies by chemostratigraphy. We used several
representative core data in this area. We determined the
correlation of chemostratigraphy by CaO, MgO, SiO2,
Fe2O3, and Mn concentration. It is to interpret the paleozoic
paleoenvironment. The chemical range in stratigraphy is
CaO 47.4-55.3 %; MgO 0.51-8.12 %; SiO2 0.21-1.20 %; up
to 0.12% of Fe2O3; and up to 162 ppm of Mn. We concluded
that the paleoenvironment of this unit was dominated by
massive paleozoic coral reef facies that formed in the margin
of warm-shallow marine.


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