Preprint / Version 1

Estimasi Imbuhan Airtanah Dan Groundwater Storage Berdasarkan Perhitungan Metode Baseflow Recession Pada Cekungan Airtanah Bandung-Soreang, Jawa Barat


  • Darul Institut Teknologi Sumatera


Citarum Watershed, groundwater, Baseflow


Water is a necessity that is inseparable from a living being. Until now, water needs have continued to increase in line with the rapid growth of the human population. But the water needs are not comparable to existing water resources. As a result, in some cases there are droughts and shortages of water resources. Bandung-Soreang Groundwater Basin is a Groundwater Basin that covers many areas namely, Bandung Regency, part of West Bandung Regency, part of Sumedang Regency, Cimahi City and Bandung City. The Bandung-Soreang Groundwater Basin has a watershed that covers almost the entire area of this basin, namely the Upper Citarum Watershed. The Upper Citarum Watershed plays an important role in the sustainability of the groundwater system in this basin. The estimation of groundwater potential and recharge in the Bandung-Soreang Groundwater Basin uses an approach of groundwater potential and recharge from the Upper Citarum Watershed. The Baseflow Recession method is applied to calculate the potential for groundwater and recharge. The data used in this method is the daily flow data of the Citarum River in series from 2010 until 2017. Based on the calculation of baseflow reseccion, the potential of groundwater in the Upper Citarum watershed is around 265,648,903.66 m3. Meanwhile, the average annual recharge is 146.57 mm / year. The value of groundwater potential and recharge in an area is controlled by several factors including climatic conditions, topography, geology, vegetation, geomorphology and land use. In an effort to maintain the function of the Upper Citarum Watershed as a natural and potential conservation area, there are several steps that should be taken, namely technological engineering and vegetatif methods. For example, technological engineering can made recharge wells and vegetatif methods can include reforestation in watershed areas


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