Preprint / Version 1

Developing Waqf Land Information System for the Government of Cianjur District


Land Certificate Proposal for Waqf Land, Waqf Land, Waqf Land Certificate, Waterfall Method, Web Application


Waqf is Philanthropy activity in scientific understanding, engaging religious, social, and
economic dimensions, particularly devoted to Public Welfare. To support the purpose and
benefits of Waqf and/or to protect Waqf Land Assets from possible lawsuits that potentially
adjust the function of Waqf, legal certification for individuals, legal entities, and
organizations is required. Proposing waqf land requires long bureaucracy and is weak in
validation. In fact, the early submission is directed to the Bureau of Religious Affairs as the
technical officer of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Indonesian Waqf Agency as the
curator, and the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency as
the verifier regarding the land ownership status and/or the issuer of Land Waqf Deed. To
resolve this, the authors developed data management information system that integrated
overall institutions’ detailed data. The proposed method is Waterfall through requirements
analysis, designing, and implementation in related institutions. The system verified physical
and registered certificates; accordingly, was applied in the government area as web
application, following positive response upon the success in simplifying, shortening
regulatory stages, and performing accuracy.


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