Determining The Impact of Student Self-Regulation and Emotional Regulation on Collaborative Work Groups
Collaborative Work Groups, Online Learning, Self-Regulation, Emotion RegulationAbstract
The goal of this study was to see how students' self-regulation and emotional control affected collaborativegroup work in an online learning environment. At Padang State University, 250 college students participated in this study, which took place in a collaborative group work environment during online learning. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data, which was then analyzed using multiple linear regression. According to the findings of this study, self-regulation and emotion control during online learning had a combined influence of 64.2 percent on collaborative group work. Self-regulation, in particular, was shown to have the highest influence, accounting for 54.1 percent of the total. Furthermore, the t-test findings revealed that the proclivity to manage emotions through expressive repression had a detrimental influence on collaborative group work.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ronal Watrianthos, Decky Antony Kifta, Hendra Sahputra Batubara, Sukardi Sukardi, Syahril Syahril
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