Preprint / Version 1

Encryption Algorithms for the Bioinformatics Data


Data Security, Encryption, Cryfa Tools, Forward Algorithm, Biological Data


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Muhammad Aldino Hafidzhah, Arli Aditya Parikesit
The security of the bioinformatics data is one area that is still overlooked by the cybersecurity community. There are several issues that should be catered accordingly, such as data privacy and restricted data access. Encryption algorithm might be the solution to solve this problem because it is the industry standard approach to the cybersecurity issues. That is why in this review we will try to find the most suitable and effective encryption algorithm that can be used to preserve security to biological data by doing some comparison using several parameters and methods accordingly. It is found that the Cryfa tool is one of the most promising applications for securing the bioinformatics data. Beside the tools, in this regard, artificial intelligence-based approach could leverage the security level significantly.



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