Preprint / Version 1

Groundwater contaminant vulnerability analysis of anthropogenic impacts in rural areas


anthropogenic, agriculture, vulnerability, contaminant, hydrogeology


Anthropogenic events are one of the sources of human activities that have an impact on environmental quality including the issue of groundwater contamination. This study emphasized analyzing the vulnerability of contaminants from agricultural events located in the Surabaya-Lamongan Groundwater Basin. The used method is passing through a structured interview approach with a specific purpose, then the results of it are analyzed using a descriptive statistical approach. The results obtained from the study are expected to illustrate the behavior of agriculture which is a combination of the understanding of farmers using water (both in surface water and groundwater). Those are related to fertilizer and pest eradication chemicals. Results of data analysis figure out a tendency to increase the intensity and volume of fertilizer and pest eradication chemical use in the early growing season. It indicates the potential for shallow groundwater pollution in the Surabaya-Lamongan Groundwater Basin. The results of this study are a starting point for research related to groundwater contaminats that are suspected to also be caused by human activities in the study area, it is because the study of contaminants that are more often done is about contaminants caused by industrial events.


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