Preprint / Version 1



medication error, drug reminder, java, mobile application, innovation


Drug therapy is the primary intervention for most illnesses and a staple to mainstream medication. Proper intake of medication has proved to inhibit disease progression, effectively managing the disease, and overall improving patient outcomes with minimal errors. However, the reliance on drug medication has caused potential for both beneficial and detrimental effects on patients. Evidence has shown that these potential harms are consequences caused by errors, such as wrong time, wrong dose, or even the abuse of these drugs. There are various causes for these errors, patient related ones mainly surround the lack of understanding and initiative to ask, the complexity of the medication itself, the age of the patient, and others. This becomes an issue especially for complex and progressive medication where consistency is required, such as in the highly prevalent tuberculosis disease where failure to administer medication is highly likely and is subject to severe consequences. As an effort to reduce medication errors, the Java based MediTimer software is developed to ensure patients administer the correct medication at the right time and right dose. This software powers a device that reminds, limits and ensures correct drug administration from the hospital to the patient. Serving as a solution to the highly avoidable error and abuse of drug medication.


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