Suatu Paralelisme Pola Perkataan Amsal 10:14;19 dan Peribahasa Indonesia “Air Tenang Menghanyutkan”
Amsal, Peribahasa, ParalelismeAbstract
The uniqueness of this study shows a parallelism to the pattern of saying Proverbs 10:14;19 and the pattern of sayings in the Indonesian proverb, namely "still water washes away." A pattern of speech provides an element of retribution from the sowing-reap of an action/character. A proverb or proverb provides a background of factors, namely language, culture and thought. Both Proverbs 10:14;19 and Indonesian proverbs have similar parallelism in local wisdom, although this research needs to pay attention to the parallelism in other cultures. However, the parallelism in Proverbs 10:14;19 and the Indonesian proverb "still water washes away" provides a teaching that is oriented towards character building, where a wise person needs to master himself in his speech, both in the context of family and community life.
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