Tanesya HS_The Model Learning of Vocalista Angels Children Choir in District of Klaten and Its Relevance to Character Education for Children
Paduan Suara Anak, Vocalista Angels, Children Choir, Learning Model in Music, Music Education, MusicAbstract
The objectives of the research were to analyze, to find, and to describe the learning model of Vocalista Angels children choir in district of Klaten and its relevance to character education for children. This research uses qualitative research type with study case as the research approach. This research was conducted at studio of Vocalista Angels children choir in April-June 2018. The subject in this research are the founder, coach, and coach assistants of Vocalista Angels children choir. The data collected by passive participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The result of this research showed that:(1) learning model used are information learning and social interaction learning;(2) learning approach used is teacher centered approach;(3) learning strategy used is direct learning;(3) learning method used are lecturer method, task and recitation method, discussion method, and drill method. Afterwards, its relevance to character education for children was contained in the following character values:(1) religious;(2) discipline;(3) tolerance;(4) hard work;(5) self-reliance;(6) curiosity;(7) friendship and communicative; and (8) responsibility.
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