Preprint / Version 1

Biopesticide: The future of agriculture?



biopesticides, agriculture, sustainibility, natural sources, chemical pesticides


This article explores the potential of biopesticides as the future of agriculture. Biopesticides, which are derived from natural sources such as plants, fungi, and bacteria, have been gaining attention as a safer and more sustainable alternative to traditional chemical pesticides. The article discusses the advantages and limitations of biopesticides, and examines the current state of research and development in the field. The conclusion highlights the potential of biopesticides to revolutionize the agricultural industry and calls for further investment in research and development.

Author Biography

Arli Aditya Parikesit, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences

Department of Bioinformatics

School of Life Sciences

Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav.88

Jakarta 13210



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