Preprint / Version 1

ChatGPT and the Future of Scholarly Communication in Indonesia: A Disruptive Innovation?


  • Muhamad Ratodi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


ChatGPT, Scholarly Communication, disruptive innovation


ChatGPT, a GPT-based chatbot, has the potential to revolutionize scholarly communication by automating the process of literature search, citation, and even manuscript writing. This paper aims to explore the potential of ChatGPt in the context of scholarly communications in Indonesia. This study is qualitative research with a case study approach. We first describe the concept and functionality of chatGPT and its potential to disrupt the traditional scholarly citation process. Then, we discuss the potential implications and challenges that need to be addressed for its successful adoption. We then discuss the implications of ChatGPT for scholarly communication in Indonesia: There are several implications that need to be addressed: Increased efficiency in research: ChatGT can process large volumes of data in a matter of minutes, thereby making research more efficient..


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