Preprint / Version 1

APABOT: A Chatbot for ASD Treatment Implemented by ParlAI


chatbot, autism spectrum disorders, ASD, artificial intelligence, AI


Abstract: Chatbots are a conversational computer system that is built to imitate human daily conversation to give online support and guidance. As chatbots became increasingly popular, its usage became diverse as people started to create different types of chatbots. This paper will work on the usage of Chatbot for Autistic people since the Chatbot has provided a new opportunity for learning. Purpose: To create a chatbot that emotionally supports the needs of people with autism spectrum disorder. Method: The study will incorporate an AI as the basis for Chatbot dialogue using the open-source ParlAI framework. Result: Using the open source framework and python programming language, ParlAI is successfully made and used as an online chat bot that could be scaled toward ASD patients. Conclusion: Chatbot has been proven to be useful as an online conversational helping bot. As now, Chatbot can help many people to do daily talk. Not only helped to learn to communicate, but other knowledge that they might never have had. Further validation with real clinical setting is necessary, and ethical clearance should be secured for that regard.


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