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mortar, curing, fly ash, geopolymer


Oven curing gives effect to the strength of geopolymer mortar. The geopolymer mortar treated by curing oven with measured duration and temperature. Temperature and term used in the oven curing on the geopolymer mortar. They affect the strength of geopolymer mortar. This study aimed to determine the connection of duration and temperature used in the curing oven to the compressive strength of C-type fly ash based geopolymer mortar. The constituent material of geopolymer mortar is activators, fly ash, and sand - the activator using NaOH and Na2SiO3. A comparison of fly ash and sand is 1: 2.75. Comparison NaOH: Na2SiO3 is 1: 2 and 10 M NaOH. Oven temperature variations used45oC, 65oC, 85oC, 105oC, and 125oC, and differences in the duration of use 20 hours, 10 hours, 8 hours, 6 hours, and 4 hours. The results showed that the connection of temperature and term used in the oven curing of the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar is significant. The relationship between duration and compressive strength has a non-linear polynomial equation negative. The period and temperature optimal for curing C-type Fly Ash based geopolymer mortar is the temperature of 105oC and the duration of 8 hours.


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