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The Role of Traditional Diets in Promoting Food Security for Indigenous Peoples in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

A Systematic Review


Indigenous peoples, LMICs, traditional foods, food security


Ensuring Food security within Indigenous communities may depend on ensuring the continuation of access to traditional food resources. A systematic literature review focused on traditional diets and food security for indigenous peoples in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) examined the role of such diets in relation to food security and other factors. Thirty-seven studies matching the inclusion criteria were identified through literature searches, and thematic analysis applied to identify important findings. The results indicate that traditional foods have a significant role in promoting and maintaining food security, as well as in the preservation of cultures and the environments in which these are embedded. The research suggests that there is a need to promote and preserve traditional food knowledge within indigenous peoples.



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Fathir Fajar Sidiq


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